Sensory Friendly Sunday
Join us for a sensory friendly Museum experience for visitors of all ages
and abilities. Sensory Friendly Hours at the Museum of the Earth
provides an opportunity for visitors with Sensory Processing Disorder,
or other developmental disabilities to enjoy a more sensory-friendly
experience at the Museum.
What to expect:
Some exhibits, particularly those that may be loud or bright, may be off from the hours of 8:30am to 10am.
The classroom will be a designated quiet space. The lights will be
off, there will be a few tables for coloring/drawing, texture bins, or
just sitting and enjoying the space. Bean bags and pillows available for
use. - Sensory Packs and adaptive equipment is available to borrow at
request from the front desk, supplies are limited and will need to be
returned either at the end of your stay, or after a specific time limit - All exhibits will be turned on at 10AM, museum capacity will no
longer be capped after that time. Everyone is welcome to stay, but do so
at your own discretion.
Space is limited to ensure a comfortable environment for visitors and
registration is required. After registration you will receive
additional information about the event.
Admission for this program is on a sliding scale to allow visitors to
select an admission price that works best for their household.
Support for Sensory Friendly Hours at the Museum of the
Earth is generously provided by the Community Foundation of Tompkins